2020-2021 All- Star Performance
Fall Session begins September, 2020
Ongoing Program--New Students Accepted Until Class Full
Registration opening SOON! -- to register online click HERE (909-337-PARK)
$45 per class/per month
$15 Drop-In
$36 for additional classes (Any All-Star Class!) per month/per student
$153 (Unlimited All-Star Classes!) per month/per student
This new addition to the All-Star dance and gymnastics program allows students with previous classical ballet and jazz training to further their skills in a performance-based class. Beginning to intermediate level students will reinforce previously mastered techniques and further their training with the addition of props such as fans, wings, silks and ribbons in Rhythmic Ballet. Classes include center and across-the-floor classical and contemporary ballet and jazz combinations as well as through age appropriate choreographed routines. Hip-Hop/Urban Jazz teaches students age-appropriate, high energy routines to popular dance songs. The acrobatic-jazz portion introduces, reinforces and incorporates both popular acrobatic dance skills (i.e. cartwheels, round-offs, aerials, tiniscas, a variety of walkovers, handstands and handsprings) and contemporary jazz movements into energetic, performance-ready routines.
8-17 yrs Monday LGECC
5:20-6:10p Competition Acrobatic Dance
10-17 yrs Wednesday LGECC
4:40-5:40p Classical & Rhythmic Ballet with Jazz Dance
9-17 yrs Thursday Running Spr
4:50-5:50p Classical & Rhythmic Ballet with Jazz Dance